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  • Policy for Payment of Conference Contributors

Guild of Taxidermists Policy for Payment of Conference Contributors

The conference is an important aspect of the Guild and this policy gives a framework for when payments are deemed acceptable or not acceptable for those who contribute to the running, presentation, judging and other aspects of the conference. Any payments made should be itemised on the Treasurer's’ report for full transparency. Any payments made are at the discretion of the Guild committee.


The conference is organised by members of the guild on an entirely voluntary basis, generally committee members. No payment for time spent organising the conference is acceptable, it is understood that people volunteer their time for the benefit of the guild.

However, reimbursement for any materials and services needed for the organisation of the conference will be paid provided appropriate evidence is provided to the Treasurer.


Judging is split into two categories – Invited Judges (e.g. foreign judges), and Guild member judges. Judges often do not benefit from all the presentations and talks at the conference and therefore some form of payment is considered acceptable for judges.

  • Invited Judges – The guild will offer to cover the cost of travel to the conference location, the cost of accommodation while judging at and attending the conference and also meals during the conference.
  • Guild member judges - The guild will offer a £50 reimbursement for the time spent judging during the conference.


    As with the committee members, it is hoped that Guild members would be willing to give up their time to “give something back” to the Guild when presenting a talk or demonstration at a Guild event. However, it is only fair that they are not out of pocket and are able to claim expenses incurred if required. Especially, if the circumstance occurs where a member would not be attending, but the conference organisers wish them to attend to conduct a presentation, full or part payment for travel/conference registration may be offered at the discretion of the Guild Committee.

    Therefore, if you wish to, you will be able to claim your registration fee plus expenses incurred from the Treasurer typically up to £50.00 for a typical 60-90 minute talk. For longer talks and non-members, the amount paid will be at the committees’ discretion.

    Non-members are entitled to claim travelling and materials expenses and an agreed speaker’s fee.

    It is not expected that sales presentations would be paid for, other than providing food.

    Stall Holders

    Stall holders will not be paid for their attendance at the conference. If it is deemed by the Guild Committee that the stall is an integral part of the conference, then full or part reimbursement for the conference cost may be offered.

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