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Taxidermy subject of a deer

Find a Taxidermist with Guild Qualifications

Choosing a Guild Taxidermist with qualifications is highly recommended. Although the Guild of Taxidermists does not recommend individuals, our qualification system records the level of skill demonstrated by our members who have had their work independently judged by qualified professionals, giving you the opportunity to choose a Taxidermist who is suitably qualified and experienced  to undertake the work you require.

Higher credits / Master Taxidermists: Higher credits are awarded for work of an exceptional standard. Being awarded 3 higher credits in one class results in the qualification of Master Taxidermist e.g Master Bird  Taxidermist. 

Standard credits: Standard credits are the building block of the qualification system. A standard credit is given to specimens that are  judged to have a high standard of anatomical accuracy, quality of workmanship and finishing. Resulting in a score on, or above the threshold of a high commercial standard, but which fall short of the criteria of a higher credit. 

 An  Accredited Taxidermist has been awarded standard credits for Bird, Mammal and Reptiles and  has demonstrated a high level of ability across the spectrum of Taxidermy disciplines.

A Specialist Taxidermist has been awarded  minimum of 6 standard credits across a range of mounts, this demonstrates an overall ability to produce a consistent high standard of work in each category. For example, a  Bird Specialist must have been awarded a standard credit for a raptor, a game bird and a small passerine (sparrow or similar) and 3 others. 

Any advertised qualifications should be verified against the official tables below   

Higher Credits

Mobile users, please turn your mobile to landscape to view the entire tables below

The Highest Achievement in the UK is MASTER Taxidermist

Name & details
 Bird Mammal
 Fish/Rep  Head  Skeleton

 Sean Connell

 Derek Frampton 


 Mike Gadd

 Master +2

 Will Hales
 2  2      
 Steve Massam



Donal Mulcahy

 Steve Newcombe
   1    Master +1  

 Colin Scott
 Scottish Borders


 Gary Tatterton


Accredited Taxidermists / Specialist Taxidermists / Standard Credits

Last update 26/3/2025

ACCREDITED Taxidermists are underlined and to the top of the standard credit table


SPECIALIST is abbreviated to SPEC for a Taxidermist awarded the SPECIALIST qualification in that category.

 Name & Details  Bird  Mammal Fish/Rep
 Head F/Dry

 Alexandra Cherrett

Accredited Member




Derek Frampton

Accredited member


 Mike Gadd

Accredited Member



William Hales

Accredited Member

SPEC  3  

 Stephen Massam

Accredited Member

SPEC  4 3   

Kim McDonald

Accredited Member


 Colin Scott

Accredited Member
 Scottish Borders

SPEC SPEC  2 4  

Steve Smith

Accredited Member

SPEC SPEC  1 3  

 Gary Tatterton

Accredited Member


 Drew Bain


 Justin Bateman 

   4    SPEC    

 Martin Berndt 
 Rüthen, Germany

   1    1    

 Steve Brown 

   1    2    

 Mark Buhagiar 


 Sarah Burhouse 


 Douglas Coates


 Sean Connell


 Emily Cook


 Gesrid Desira


 Becky Dick 


 Mabel Edwards 


 Sean Douglas

 Josh Fisher

 Sarah Fowler
 Leamington Spa


 Adrian Johnstone


 Elle Kaye


 Sarah Keen 


 William Mathews

   2    3    

 Euan McGrandle


 Stephen McIntyre
 North Yorkshire 


 Claire Morgan
 Tyne and Wear 


 Donal Mulcahy


 Cameron Murray
 0131 2252524


 Steve Newcombe


 Danielle Payne


 Dave Pilkington


 Tam Powell


 Cheryl Richardson


 Paul Roper


 Jonathan Standing



 Alan Turner


 Chris Voisey
 W. Yorkshire 


 Mark Walton

 3  1    4    

 Barry Williams

 2              1      

 Luke Williams


 Barry Wilson


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